On Sunday, October 28, 2012 (the day before Hurricane Sandy), my black Labrador Retriever, Cruiser, earned her third TDX, this one from ASCA. She is now
Gullwing P.T.’s Penelope Cruiser, Am/Can/ASCA TDX.
The test was offered by the Working Australian Shepherd Club of Upstate New York (WASCUNY) and was held in Gansevoort, NY (near Sarasota) on a beautiful horse farm. Overall on the day, two TDs (1 Aussie, 1 Lab) out of 4 passed, 1 TDU (Beagle) out of 2 passed and 1 TDX (us) out of 2 passed.
The track was 910 yards long, with 6 legs. Fortunately, the horses in the corral next to us stayed on the other side of the field, so they weren’t a distraction.
Cruiser has had problems with focus while tracking. So to combat that, I tried something different. I stopped tracking her back in June and started her in nosework classes in July. It’s tough to conclude whether that strategy made a big difference or not, but once she got going on this TDX track, she worked with confidence. She was just a little slower than normal, which helped her work, too. We’ll see if this approach improves her work in VST.
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