It was another REALLY long day on Nov. 6th, 2022, but so worth the early wake up call, drive and being out in the rain. Splash and I were entered in the Lenape Tracking Club's TDX today, with judges Ruth Vaughan and Gina DeAlmeida and so many of our dedicated tracklayers, Monique Buzzarté, Benjamin Hoyle, Martha Windisch and Judy Todd (my tracklayer) to name a few. Not to be left out, the dedicated cross tracklayers, Cris Courduff, Peg Forte and Patti Pagano and the hospitality staff, Nancy Jorczak and Donna Hess.
These folks work so hard for us trackers to be able to spend quality time in the field with our dogs. THANK YOU!!!!! We started our track with a slow mist of rain falling and cooler temps in the 60s. It ended with screams of absolute elation, at finding the glove at the end of our 830-yard track. We were both soaking wet, and I was beaming with pride. Splash overcame a pile of bear scat, a herd of deer, a couple of which stood and observed us for what seemed like 5 minutes... She successfully indicated all her articles, a leather wallet and a bright pink and orange bandana. Her final turn was a nail biter, with me second guessing the final turn for just a moment, as my eyes could see track ahead of me. Luckily, she convinced me that I needed to follow, and am SOOOOO happy I listened to her instead of following my own eyes. The track had some challenges, going through a hedgerow. Part of the track went into a bowl that took Splash a moment to figure out. The fourth leg traversed the field, went up a hill and ran diagonally across the field - something that has always been a little tough for Splash. In the middle of that leg she found some rabbit hair, bird feathers and a glove that she nosed around but clearly understood was not from our tracklayer, as she did not indicate it. The last leg was in a deep furrow, headed back toward the road, where she lay down on the glove to indicate it.
This was our fourth attempt at TDX. A test that has an approximate 22 percent pass rate, it is not easy but is, oh, so much fun!!! Watching the dog do something that is so innate and enjoying herself is priceless. Splash is a dedicated and honest tracking partner who loves to follow odor. Of all the things we have done together, this is the thing that makes her smile.... And I am still grinning from ear to ear running this track over again in my head.
A hearty THANK YOU to all those who have helped with training, laying tracks and advice over the years. Tracking is a community effort displayed by an individual and their partner on the field.
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