Tracking Tails or is it Tales?

by Vicki Wooters


Today was one of the best days I’ve ever experienced. I’m a brand new member of Lenape Tracking Club, and I feel very lucky to have met up with such a great bunch of people.

Those of you who met me saw just how “green” a handler I am. I started training my dog Tikki by myself and didn’t know anything. Luck, and a mutual friend, Penny Sullivan, led me to Peg. It’s a good thing! I did all the things that Peg suggested, got the right book, harness, lead, rope, etc. Trained three varying lengths/ages per training. Trained on horse, cow and sheep fields. Trained in the rain, heat, a.m./p.m. I thought I had it all covered. Yes, these basics helped me and Tikki to be prepared, but nothing is the same as being out there and seeing so many good dogs and handlers. Today taught me so much that’s not in the books (like the size of the flags … I used little tiny underground cable type flags). But most of all I learned how special it feels to be training in a group. I want to thank everyone who helped Tikki and me have a super day.

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