The GSASA held an ASCA Tracking test on Friday, May 28, 2010. It was a two track test open to Australian Shepherds first and then to other breeds. In order for Torrie, my Pembroke Welsh Corg,i to enter she needed to be registered with the ASCA.
This test had two tracks. One track went to an Australian Shepherd and the other to Torrie. The alternate track went to an Australian Shepherd who was seeking certification.
The test was held at Hope Wind Farm in Lafayette NJ. The judges were Deb St. Jacques, Argyle NY and provisional judge, Lisa Pattison (a longtime Lenape member), Port Murray, NJ.
When I arrived at the test site I learned that the tracks were plotted the previous afternoon with thunder and lightning happening all around the area, but the intrepid judges and tracklayers persevered.
The temperature was 58 degrees, the hayfields had grass that was up to two and a half feet tall and very wet from the previous days’ rain. This made the conditions very favorable for the dogs.
We selected one of the soft hamburger toys and found the track #1 on the back of the tag. Then we drove a short way to the field. As soon as Torrie saw the harness and line she knew why we were there. She could barely contain her self while I sorted out the harness and put it on her.
We headed up a short slope to the start flag where we found a small gray sock. Torrie took a quick sniff and off she went – It was rough going for both of us – clumpy wet grass to walk on and tall grasses all around. Laurie Shuren tried to get photos of Torrie tracking but she couldn’t see her in the grass. It took Torrie 20 minutes to reach the glove, with some stops along the way to eat the luscious grass. At one spot on the top of a hill the grass was sparser ands there she did check out several directions and then committed to the track by pulling strongly in the correct direction. After another turn she reached the glove.
The judges went on to the second track and Torrie and I worked our way back to the van.
The Judges sheet gave me the information that the track was an hour old when we started. With the great conditions Torrie tracked it as if it had just been laid.
Deb St. Jacques had a dog earn a TD at one of our tests in the mid 90’s. This test completed Lisa’s requirements and she is now an ASCA Tracking Judge. The second dog passed their track. The Aussie trying for certification was not successful.
As we were waiting for the second track to finished I commented that I was getting a little old to be tracking my dog. One of the people asked me if I knew how old the other handler was, and then they told me she was 75. So I guess I will have to continue tracking for awhile longer. Use your back button to sniff out a new story