Officers |
President - Gina DeAlmeida |
Vice President - Anna Burbank |
Secretary - Janet Kelly |
Treasurer - Ben Hoyle |
Committees |
Test Secretary - Anna Burbank |
Website - Pat Etchells |
Newsletter Editor - Ben Hoyle |
Membership in is open to anyone interested in tracking. In order to be considered for membership in the Lenape Tracking Club of Central New Jersey, the membership application must be signed by two members in good standing that are willing to recommend you. You must attend two of the club’s functions so that we may get to know you and you will have the opportunity to obtain the necessary signatures. Names of applicants are published in the bi-monthly newsletter, and if there are no objections within 4 weeks, the applicant becomes a member.
AKC now allows tracking clubs to shield a certain number of test slots for working club members. Lenape has instituted a policy that someone must work at four events over a two-year period in order to be categorized as a working member.